Kathryn Sanders is an artist residing in the small beach town of Waihi Beach, New Zealand. Born and raised in Tauranga, Kathryn began painting at a young age, inspired by local artist Timo Rannili, who was at the time an art teacher at her school. Easily inspired by the costal Bay of Plenty setting, bright colours and beach scenes were depicted in most artworks.
Whilst Kathryn enjoyed art at school she trained as a physiotherapist treating art as an escape and hobby. Fast forward 10 years, three children and having moved trans tasman twice with her Australian Husband. Kathryn now desires to use her talents as an artist to allow her to work from home and see where her creative nature will take her.
Still inspired by the ocean and coastal New Zealand, Kathryn continues to paint in bright bold colours that creates an immediate feeling of happiness upon viewing.